
How to Donate:

Donations to Ballet22 are tax deductible through our 501(c)(3) non-profit status.

Ballet22’s 501(c)(3) non-profit tax Id is 88-1045747

To donate by check please make checks payable to Ballet22 and mail to:

Ballet22, 3498 School St., Oakland, CA 94602

To wire a donation please contact Theresa at

To donate online with a credit cards, please click the “Donate” button below.

  • Sponsor an Artist

    The biggest expense for Ballet22 is payments for Artists. We strongly believe that artists should be compensated for their time in rehearsal and performances. Sponsoring a dancer’s appearance in a production will include your name or dedication under the dancer’s photo on the program and website, and an invitation to rehearsal. Sponsorship per program is $3,000

  • Donate

    Donations are tax deductible. Expenses include theater rental, dancer and choreographer compensation, and costumes.

    Donations of any size help us continue to produce work. Thank you for your support!

    The following support levels receive recognition on our website and programs:

    Patrons $3,001 and beyond

    Artist Sponsor $3,000

    Supporter $1,000-$2,999

    Contributor $100-$999

  • Volunteer

    If you are interested in volunteering for Ballet22, please reach out! Whether you are interested in helping with marketing and sales, making an introduction, or assisting during theater week, we appreciate your support!